CBS has unveiled the first trailer for “Beyond the Gates,” the first Black-led daytime soap opera in 35 years. Set in the elite Fairmont Crest community near Washington, D.C., the series follows the Dupree family, a dynasty led by Vernon Dupree (Clifton Davis), a former senator, and his wife Anita (Tamara Tunie), a retired singer. Their daughters, Nicole (Daphnee Duplaix) and Dani (Karla Mosley), bring even more intrigue as they tackle personal and professional turmoil.
Created by veteran soap writer Michele Val Jean and produced in collaboration with the NAACP, “Beyond the Gates” promises compelling storylines, complex characters, and a fresh lens on Black culture in daytime TV.
The series premieres Feb. 24 at 2 p.m. ET on CBS, with episodes available to stream on Paramount+ the next day.